728 SKIN
The skincare guru and NKOTB enthusiast behind 728 SKIN!
Where to find 728 Skin:
Tell us a bit about you!
Hi, I’m Laurie! Let me tell you a little bit about my fabulously chaotic life. I’m a wife and mom to two boys and our crazy Pitbull named Cali. I’ve been doing the aesthetician thing for 17 years now, and I’m really into building my skincare brand, 728 SKIN. It’s my passion project, turning my love for skincare (and NKOTB) into something awesome. I’ve also been teaching medical aesthetics for 11 years. And when I’m not up to my ears in skincare, you’ll probably find me thrifting, crafting, or refurbishing some old furniture I dragged home. Seriously, I can’t resist a good DIY project! I just can’t sit still. I’m obsessed with self-help and business books—can’t get enough of them. And my collection of notebooks, pens, and pencils is kind of ridiculous, especially if they’re pink. And, I have to confess, I’m still totally into New Kids on the Block and boy bands in general. They’re my guilty pleasure! So, that’s me in a nutshell!
What inspired your brand?
My love for skincare totally inspired 728 SKIN. I wanted products that I knew were clean, effective, and safe enough for my kids to use. I’m all about keeping things simple, multifunctional, and affordable—because who has time for a million-step routine? But here’s the best part: I wanted skincare to be fun again! So, I infused a bit of New Kids on the Block nostalgia by naming all our products after their songs. Think glowing skin with a side of happy memories!
You are super unique and different – tell us what sets you apart!
728 SKIN is all about personalized skincare handcrafted with love and expertise. Each product is meticulously formulated by me, according to how I want the product to function and what results I want to get out of using it. Not like big box stores that use a generic formula that’s loaded with parabens, fillers, fragrance and who knows what else. Also, the products appeal to us adult fangirls (ahem, BLOCKHEADS) because we once found an escape in a band and their music. We found friends along with way who shared this same experience with us and built long lasting relationships that we still have to this day. It’s the nostalgia of it, that when you pick up a product that you love that has a name of a song you love, all those memories come flooding back. It’s feel good skincare! Blockhead skincare!
When did you become a NKOTB fan?
Ahh, my poor Dad! He took me and 9 of my friends to my first concert ever in 1989. Little did he know that he would be sitting through hours of just girls screaming. LOL. I remember looking back at him at one point and seeing him bopping around, so I think he was secretly enjoying it. That’s where it all started for me. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
Who is your favorite new kid?
Who is my favorite New Kid??? This is honestly a hard one for me. My 12 year old self was OBSESSED with Joey, and he still has a place in my heart today, but my adult self has really been connecting with Jon. We have so many similar interests it seems. I love watching him fixing things up. I feel like if we lived closer we would totally be trash picking new projects to do together. LOL. I also love seeing how happy he is. Just living his best life and being his true self.
If you could pick one NKOTB album to be your shops playlist what would it be?
Girl, you are really making me dig deep with these questions. LOL. Although I love the new stuff, I think I’m going to have to go with the classics…so I would say Hangin’ Tough. There’s nothing better than getting in the car, opening the sunroof, blasting that album and singing at the top of my lungs. (I embarrass my kids all the time, ha).
You have so many products named after songs or other NKOTB inspo – tell us how you get the inspiration for them
I sat down and created my ultimate dream product line on paper and then I went through every song on every album and added the songs to a spreadsheet that I thought would be great to use.Then I just went ahead and matched up the songs to the products.
You have done some meet and greets and the cruise – tell us about your experience!
I was like a kid in a candy store when we did our meet and greet. They have you wait in the longest line ever, in a random hallway, and then finally when you round the corner you see Danny, peeking out from the curtain. I was jumping up and down, crying, and shaking. It’s very surreal to see someone in person, so close to you, that you have loved for so long. It honestly goes so fast. You want to think of something witty and cool to say, but nothing really comes out of your mouth. LOL. Hugging them all was awesome. And then within seconds…it’s all over. Totally worth it though. And the cruise….ugh….you MUST experience the cruise at least once. The time on there with your girlfriends is priceless. It’s a bucket list experience for sure.
It’s a friday night in the early 90’s – you are watching NKOTB on a tv special – what snacks are you eating?
I’m lucky I can remember my name most days, so I have absolutely no idea what I would have been eating. LOL
Did you ever watch the NKOTB cartoon?
Yes, I think I saw a few episodes of it. I have a ton of the comic books too.
Pick 1 word for each member of NKOTB you think they would say about your line
Oh boy. Ok. Let’s see.
Danny- Nice
Jon- Cool
NKOTB lunch box or Duffle bag?
Lunch box all the way!
What is it about the NKOTB community for you? It truly seems so fun!
You have no idea how amazing a fandom can be until you’ve experienced some of these Blockhead FB groups. With launching 728 SKIN, the outpouring of support that I have received from random people that I don’t even know has made my heart explode. People that have gone out of their way to purchase products, re-post my content on their own feed, posting content of them using my products, liking, commenting, private DM chats that have turned into friendships…it’s unreal. Some of these women have become some of my best friends. This band has brought us together, and we love and support and cheer for each other. It’s amazing.
Favorite NKOTB outfits?
Hands down the black plastic pants with the blue NYNUK sweatshirts!! Bring those back please guys!!
You are having a sleepover and you bring your NKOTB sleeping bag … what else are you bringing to the sleepover?
728 SKIN face masks for sure!!
Top 5 NKOTB songs?
My Favorite Girl
The Whisper
What are some of your other hobbies?
I love to make things… Refurbishing old furniture Concerts
What other music do you like to listen to?
I love music! Some of my favorites are MGK, Imagine Dragons, Post Malone, anything 90’s, Snoop..I like it all.
Have you met friends through the community?
So many friends!! I’m eternally grateful.
Beauty products you used growing up?
Ugh, do I even have to say the names…Noxzema, Sea Breeze, St Ives, Clean & Clear, Stridex.
What are your essentials for a NKOTB concert?
My phone and my besties!!!
Anything new coming to the shop you can share with us?
I’m working on new labeling and packaging now that will have a fun twist and add a little more color to the brand. I’m also working on some new products for launch, so stay tuned!!
A phrase you would leave for a nostalchick
Girl, you got THE RIGHT STUFF!