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October 26, 2023

“Aaahh!!! Real Monsters” is an animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon from 1994 to 1997. Created by Gábor Csupó and Peter Gaffney

Set in a dark and surreal world beneath the streets, the show revolves around three young monsters-in-training: Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm, who attend the Monster Academy to learn the art of scaring humans. Each monster has unique abilities: Ickis can grow in size, Oblina can reach into her body and extract various organs and Krumm can detach his eyes and carry them in his hands. Despite their unusual appearance and abilities, the monsters are endearing and often face challenges that are both humorous and heartwarming.

The series explores themes of friendship, teamwork, and self-discovery as the young monsters navigate the challenges of scaring humans and dealing with their fears and insecurities. The monsters are guided by their strict but caring headmaster, The Gromble and often find themselves in amusing and sometimes perilous situations as they venture into the human world.


“Aaahh!!! Real Monsters” is filled with witty and memorable quotes from its unique characters. Here are some of the best quotes from the series:

Ickis: “Being normal is vastly overrated.”

Oblina: “We must face our fears head-on. Unless, of course, they’re behind us. Then we must back away slowly.”

Krumm: “I’m not weird. I’m gifted.”

The Gromble: “You couldn’t scare a snail.”

Ickis: “Fear is the foundation of all good scares.”

Oblina: “It’s a monster-eat-monster world out there.”

Krumm: “Who needs eyes when you’ve got such a great nose?”

The Snorch: “Life’s a scream and so am I!”

Ickis: “I’m not chicken, I’m… I’m eggplant!”

Oblina: “Monsters! Do not interrupt a scare with yodeling!”

These quotes capture the humor and charm of the show, reflecting the quirky personalities of the monsters and the witty writing that endeared the series to its audience.