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July 29, 2024


Bryanna May. 35. California. Financially Irresponsible. 😂

Where to find Bryanna_May:

Tell us about you!

Hi! Well I’m Bryanna. Born and raised in California. I am stuck way over here on the West Coast. I’m still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. I was in the Air Force. I am a now mechanical engineer by day and a true crime and concert junkie by night. I love my family, friends, and dogs. I will forever be the Fun Aunt with a travel addiction.

When did you start your account?

In 2015 when I first moved back to California after getting out of the military and a marriage. 👏🏻

What got you inspired to share all of your NKOTB adventures?

There are so many amazing people in this fandom so it’s great to share our moments with each other.

So we know your a Danny girl. What is about him?

He is just so “get it as you see it”. You know exactly what you’re getting with him. He tells it like it is and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. Were are so alike I love it. He cares so much and the fans and the band and he glows on that stage!

Have you always been a Danny girl?

Basically yeah. My first M&G I stood with Jordan but I didn’t know any better and just stood where I was told. Since then I’ve only stood with him.

You mentioned your sister being a big NKOTB fan. Is that how you got into them?

She is! She grew up loving them. We went to see them in 2019 and that opened the door. But when we went to Merriweather and Fenway in 2021 the door was fully kicked open and I’ve never looked back. I’m not sure if she loves or hates the fact that she brought me into this world but she tolerates it.

How many shows of theirs have you seen?

I think I’m siting around 20 right now. Not exactly sure.

You’ve been to tons of other things like cruises, tv shows etc – what have those experiences been like

They’ve been so much fun. I love getting to see the different things like that. The shows are so much fun and I love all the people I get to see at them but those one off events are amazing.

Since you’ve met all the guys a few time give us

Emotional moment

Donnie singing I Need You at Merriweather

Funny moment

Danny “there are some people living in this world… No Shit!”

Unforgettable moment

I wore a Nirvana shirt into my individual. Joey immediately commented on it and told me they were the downfall of the band. Then when my sister came in for hers and I was just hanging back Joe and Jordan did the typical “old man thing” and told me to make 3 songs by the band. They both then sang Smells Like Teen Spirit to me while laughing hysterically.

 Embarassing moment

Fenway I stepped over the railing on the stairs and lost my balance and then started sliding down the rail with my hands full. Vic saved my life.

 Happy moment you may of had

Definitely when we met Tiffany. I cannot imagine doing this life without her and am so thankful she’s here.

What song would you want to dance with Danny to?

Well I’m a horrible dancer but I wouldn’t say no to any of them. I’ve already been lucky enough to be the Valentine Girl in San Jose for the 2022 tour.

5 songs on your NKOTB playlist that you can listen to over and over again an entire roadtrip?

Still Kids
We Were Here
Lights, Camera, Action
Better Days

I see you are on a cruise having a fun boozy time currently! 

Pick 1 drink and give it a NKOTB inspired name – what would it be?

Well one of my fave drinks on the cruise was called “None of Your Business”. I feel like that’s something some people need to learn to do with the band.

Favorite NKOTB outfit you ever worn?

I don’t know if it counts but I loved when my sister and I dressed up as The Hulk and Macho Man Randy Savage on the 2022 cruise.

What moment of theirs didn’t you see that you wish you did?

I would say they’re first go around. I was too young but feel like I would’ve loved it.

If you were having a NKOTB party what snacks and food would we be having?

Hmm… 🤔 definitely FunFetti cake or cookies and Danny velvet cupcakes.

Do you own any NKOTB collectibles?

I have the Funko things and one of the like koozie things of Danny that is hard plastic with the dangly legs.

What are some of your other hobbies?

Concerts in general are therapy for me. I try to go to at least 2 shows a month no matter what! I also love traveling so the 2 work out pretty well together.

What other music do you like to listen to?

My other fave artists would be Taylor Swift, Post Malone, Morgan Wallen, and The 1975.

What is your favorite thing about the NKOTB community?

The people I have met. I am fairly new to the fan base and I’ve been welcomed with mostly open arms. I have so many friends who have become family and I am so thankful for the band bring them into my life.

You met your bestie Tiffany through the community – tell us about that experience and about your NKOTB besties account

So we don’t remember how/when we started talking. We know it was a bit before the 2022 cruise though. It’s been life changing to say the least. We push each other to make all the bad decisions but they lead to great memories for sure. The besties account was actually my sisters idea. It was originally the 3 of us, but Chas wanted out of the “gang” as she called it and removed herself in the middle of the night one night. Don’t worry she still loves us and is stuck with us forever.

Its 1999 and you are watching TRL. Are you choosing Joey or Jordan?

Well… I’d go with Joe. There’s just something about those blue eyes.

Anything else fun you’d like to share?

Hmm… this will be my first time going to both the opening and closing of a tour! Pretty excited about that. Plus we’re throwing a pretty awesome tailgate party at Jones Beach! Come hang out with us if you’re there.

A phrase you would leave for a nostalchick

Just do it. Money comes back. Time doesn’t.

Where to find Nkotbesties:

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