Where to find 80sretrobeat:
Tell us a little bit about you
What got you started in creating?
I started my account back in 2019 as kind of an ode to the 80s. Sharing candid pics, ads, videos, etc. Then once the pandemic hit I had a lot more time to share my love for the 80s. And then seeing and becoming friends with all the other 80s creators just inspired me so much to be me and share my love for the 80s. And building this amazing community just helped me to keep going with it and I love connecting with others who share the same love for a very special time. And it’s a huge compliment when the ones who lived through the 80s comment and tell me I’m doing the fashion on point.
Why the 80‘s for you?
I’ve seriously been drawn to the 80s for as long as I can remember. The 80s were anything but cookie cutter. Everything was over the top, the music, the fashion, the houses, the malls, the cars, the commercials, the decor. It seemed like everyone danced to the beat of their own drum. And I’ve always been that way, wanted to be anything but cookie cutter. So I was drawn to the over the top aesthetic of it all. And I grew up in the 90s and my siblings were a lot older than me. So from a young age I was exposed to it all, the music and movies. And to me, nothing really beats the music and movies of the 80s. There’s just this special feel to it all. Just such an overload of incredible nostalgia. And the fashion, the fashion was iconic. There were so many different aesthetics, New Romantic, glam, metal, preppy, valley girl, jersey girl. It was so eclectic. And I thrive off of eclectic. So it never gets boring picking out your outfits for the day. And in the end the 80s just feels like home.
What are some other things you love that aren’t 80‘s related
I’m a huge lover of fashion. So I do enjoy all vintage fashion from different decades. I have so much appreciation for fashion bc it’s an extension of your personality. I’m a huge music lover as well. I grew up in the 90s so I have so much love for the music and movies from then too. No Doubt is one of my all time favorite bands.
What are your hobbies?
I’m a huge lover of fashion. So I do enjoy all vintage fashion from different decades. I have so much appreciation for fashion bc it’s an extension of your personality. I’m a huge music lover as well. I grew up in the 90s so I have so much love for the music and movies from then too. No Doubt is one of my all time favorite bands.
Favorite 80‘s style?
Honestly, I cannot choose one favorite. There were so many different aesthetics back then that I love so much. I have so many different 80s aesthetics, but if I had to choose I’d probably say New Romantic and metal. I feel most at home in those styles.
Name your favorite 80‘s:
What are some places you’ve been that have a lot of 80‘s feel?
There’s a mall near me that still has an 80s vibe to it, which is amazing. It still has fountains and the food court is still reminiscent of the 80s. It still feels like when I would go there as a kid. Just not as busy as it once was. I really hope they don’t ever change it up. I don’t think they will but I guess you never know.
What are some things people get wrong about you being an 80s creator?
Well I think there’s a few things. First off I think some people just assume the 80s is my entire personality trait. Don’t get me wrong it’s a huge part. But I do enjoy other things. And then some people will comment and say I should wear the stuff now, which I def do. I don’t buy anything unless I’d wear it in real life. So I guess some people might think that my content is just for views or whatever. Which it def is not. But I do have other styles I wear as well and other passions.
Tell us about your 80‘s collections
Where do I start. I have a decent amount of stuff, from a Walkie Talkie, cameras, boomboxes, phones, TVs, books, magazines, mugs, Nintendo, cassettes, magazines, books, decor. But I absolutely love collecting vintage vinyl. I don’t have nearly as many as I’d like but I have a good bit. My favorite ones I have are Dio – Sacred Heart, WASP – The Last Command, Alice Cooper – Trash and Constrictor, Iron Maiden – Somewhere in Time, Joe Lynn Turner – Rescue You, Dokken – Under Lock and Key. Vinyls are a weakness for sure. I also love collecting Barbies. Finding some from when I was little and getting them now just brings back so many memories. My favorite is my Barbie and the Beat. One I absolutely need to add to my collection is Barbie and the Beat Midge. She’s a grail for me. VHS’s, they’re so fun to collect too. I have a lot of music ones that are super cool. They use to make VHS’s of the music videos the bands released from a specific album. I love those. And of course the movies. The classics are a must but finding the more obscure ones are awesome. Especially bc a lot of them aren’t even on streaming so that’s the only way to watch them. And my clothes. My prize possessions. I cannot get enough of vintage fashion. My favorite brand is probably Contempo Casuals.
What 80‘s bedding would you have chosen?
Oh man that’s a tough one too. Again with there being so many different aesthetics to the 80s it’s so hard to narrow it down. But I really love the satin bed spreads that they had, the ones with ruffles. The pastel bedding is also a top contender. I also love the Memphis designs too.
What has been one of the coolest things on your creator journey?
I’d have to say getting to be a part of Stranger Things Day this past year. I mean, Stranger Things has been a huge part of my life since 2017 so to be asked to be a part of that day was huge for me. If I could tell 2017 me, who first discovered Stranger Things then, that she’d get to be a part of it she’d never believe me. So I’d say that was def the coolest so far.
Thats a big question. I mean, I def enjoy what I’m doing now, it’s super fun and I love getting to connect with everyone over something that brings us all so much joy and nostalgia. And I love getting to be creative and express myself like I never gave myself a chance to before. 5 years seems like such a long time away to think about, but it will fly by I’m sure. But I’d like to be able to continue on a creative journey and see what that means and where that goes.
I do collect a ton of books. I don’t have a specific favorite but I love reading Nancy Drew’s and I love Christopher Pike books from then as well. I’m a huge fan of Fear Street books too bc I read them when I was a teen. So they hold a special place for me too
What do you think a day in the mall would like look for you in the 80‘s?
Omg that would be a dream come true. I would legit be shopping till I drop! I would go to Contempo Casuals and Merry Go Round and buy so much clothes. The possibilities would be endless. To have all the styles and aesthetics at my fingertips would be the most amazing thing ever. To see the mall aesthetic and all the neon would be a dream. The fountains. And of course I would go to the record stores and be in Heaven! To see all my favorite bands albums readily available would be like no other. Oh and can’t forget going to the food court and eating at all the places that are no more and I’ve never gotten to try.
Favorite content to create?
It kind of depends. I really love doing outfit videos. Whether it’s an outfit of the day, what Id wear in the 80s, or outfits inspired by 80s movies and such. But I also love doing static posts and trying to make the photos as authentic looking as I can. And adding little details to the shot with vinyls, cassettes, cameras, radios, etc. I sometimes feel most creative with those types of content.
Favorite content to consume
Fashion content. All of it. From all decades. I live for fashion. Getting to see others be so creative in that aspect makes me so happy and gives me a lot of inspiration too. I love seeing others thrive in their creativity. And nostalgia accounts. From the ones who share their personal memories, commercials, yearbook photos, toys. It’s all so nostalgic and magical to me.
Name a few other creators you love
Literally every 80s creator in the community is amazing and I love! And so many in other niches as well. Recently can’t get enough of Retrodreamer80s and Caitlin.hare . It’s so fun watching everyone on this creative journey expressing themselves.
A phrase you would leave for a nostalchick
Just be yourself unapologetically. Wear what you want, like what’s not in style, dance to the beat of your own drum, always.