A Curator of all things nostalgic
Where to find Press Rewind Retro:
Tell us a little about yourself!
Hey everyone! My name is Jen and I’m the creator behind @press_rewind_retro. During the day I actually work as a child and family therapist which can be challenging but is also a lot of fun and very rewarding. I’m married and have 3 dogs and 2 cats who take up most of my free time and I love It! I have an irrational fear of flying and my favorite thing to watch on Netflix are documentaries. I’m Almost always listening to 90s music in my car unless I have a true crime podcast on (crime junkie is my favorite!) Collecting and thrifting are my favorite hobbies which is how I got started with content creating! I live in coastal North Carolina so you can usually find me being a beach bum during the summer 🌊☀️
You truly do some of the coolest set ups! I was drawn to that when I first started following – can you tell us a little bit about what the creating process is like for you?
The creating process for me is usually pretty scattered and unorganized. I usually just kind of go with the flow and piece things together until they work for me and I’m satisfied with the look and feel of what I’m doing. I don’t have a typical way of doing things I tend to be more spontaneous and use trial and error to guide me. I always start with how I want the post to feel or the feelings I’m trying to convey and then I just go from there! Sometimes I will go into creating content with a certain theme in my mind and then just put things together based on those ideas!
What got you started in creating?
The more I started collecting and sharing content, I just tried to figure out different ways to showcase my collection with the nostalgia community. I started experimenting with different set ups and perspectives and then through the process of doing that my content just kind of created itself!
Describe your color story – to me it screams Nickelodeon!
I love anything bold, bright, and vibrant! I try to bring as much color to my content as I can because it reminds me of a time when everything had so much coloration and character. I feel like today there’s a lot of blandness and a lack of detail so showcasing the different hues in my posts is kind of a love letter to the memories I have as a kid being surrounded by so much energy, excitement, and curiosity. I think we can get so stuck in the day to day as adults and my focus is always to catch someone’s eye as they are scrolling and hopefully remind them of those simpler times as well and create a space to appreciate that feeling of wonder and excitement we all had as kids.
Speaking of Nickelodeon that is such a huge part of your content and collection – what was it about Nickelodeon for you?
Like many kids of the 90s I grew up watching Nickelodeon and I’ve always appreciated the styles and colors and the overall art and brand that the network created. There was just so much detail and character in everything from Nickelodeon magazine to the merchandise that they released during that time and it all came together in a way that felt empowering as a kid growing up in a world run by adults.
I think the messy and off the wall culture of Nickelodeon has always kind of played a part in my collecting and my love for creating fun content! In the 90s Nickelodeon was always trying to figure out what to do next or how to reach their audience in new and exciting ways and I definitely take that same mentality and relate to that when I’m trying to figuring out the next direction I want to take with the content I’m working on.
Fav Nick show?
That so tough! I loved Are You Afraid of the Dark as a kid. I still rewatch some of the episodes now. Hey Arnold and Doug were always on my tv as a kid as well. Overall I loved all the shows but those are the ones that I watched the most.
Which nickelodeon show cast do you think would make the best besties for you?
I would love to join the Midnight Society 🪵🔥 but I think I’d also love hanging with Alex Mack!
What a show you feel like people love but you just don’t get it?
I never really got into Buffy the vampire slayer, but I know a lot of people love that one. I don’t think I ever gave it enough of a chance so I’ll go with that because I know some people consider that a classic!
Tell us about the things you collect. How long have you been collecting?
I have pretty much been a collector all of my life. I started collecting movie theater tickets when I was about 11 or 12, and I’ve been collecting ever since! As a teenager I loved thrifting (still do!) and then as an adult I started collecting memorabilia from my childhood. Now I collect anything that’s nostalgic for me or ignites some kind of nostalgic feeling or memory! I started getting big into collecting around the fall of 2020 and that’s when I started my Instagram!
I saw VHS tapes are one of your favorite things to collect. Can you tell us 5 of your favorites?
VHS tapes are definitely my favorite things to collect! Thats actually what I first started collecting when I got big into collecting as an adult! Some of my favorites are a 3 ninjas demo tape I found at a garage sale, Brink!, a Neverending story box set with the first two movies in it, a sealed Casper slipcase vhs, and a “say no to drugs” campaign vhs hosted by Brittany Murphy that I’ve never come across another copy of!
Most rare thing you have?
Probably one of the rarest things I have is a promotional VHS tape that Pepsi distributed to grocery stores in 1992 that showcases the universal monsters “monster bash” promotion with Pepsi. The tape is hosted by Anthony Perkins (Norman Bates 🔪) and details how to set up all of the store displays at the time and even features an unreleased music video with the universal monsters. I’ve never seen any of the footage released anywhere so I think it’s a rare piece!
Is there anything on your wishlist that you just haven’t been able to get yet?
My collection is ever growing and ever evolving. Theres so much out there that I still want to add and it changes all the time. I go through phases of collecting different things, and there are some things that I’m constantly collecting. One thing I’ve been on the lookout for is one of the old blockbuster gumball machines that were in the stores. I found one on marketplace a few years back and decided not to get it because it was a far drive but looking back I wish I would have snagged it!
Top creators you love?
@staticrerun is a big inspiration for me!
I also love and appreciate the creative minds behind @neonnostalgist, @leftoverpizzapodcast, @90snostalgiachaser, and @vintagevideobasement
You also resell some things – what was the inspo behind that?
When I first started going to the thrift Stores every day and got really serious into collecting, I started buying things at the thrift to resell to fund the things I wanted to buy for my own collection. The more I did it and the more time I spent reselling it turned into more of selling things to people to help them build their collections and gain things that were nostalgic to them. I really love being able to spread nostalgia and find good homes for things and maybe give someone back a piece of their childhood or bring back a memory that they’ve forgotten.
90’s show theme song that lives rent free in your head?
The Goof Troop theme song for sure! We don’t talk enough about how good that song is 🤣
A phrase you would leave for a nostalchick?
I’m going to channel my inner Mr. Feeny here and say that Kindness is important and it does matter. Do good. ❤️